Minggu, 27 Maret 2011

How To Get Your Beauty Sleep

No matter how much we may try to resist it, sleep is an important part of life. But with lives that are full of a lot of stress, thoughts, and demands of our time and attention, it can be hard to get that beauty sleep that we so desperately need. If you find yourself awake and reading this at 4am on a Tuesday morning, you have come to the right place to initiate the changes to your sleep behaviors and patterns that have been interfering with your beauty sleep.
Make a Schedule
The best thing that you can do for yourself is to set up a schedule for yourself, and to stick with it. This means that the schedule you keep during the week days should be kept during the weekend, especially if you are having difficulties sleeping. So if your “bed time” on weekdays is around 10 or 10:30pm, this should be maintained throughout the weekend. If you happen to fall asleep at 10pm on the weekend, it can be presumed that you will wake up around 6 or 7am. Now if you decided to have a wild night out on the weekend and stay up until 1 or 2pm, chances are you will sleep in until 11am or noon. This will significantly interfere with your week-day sleep pattern and may cause insomnia and restless nights.
Don’t Eat before Bed
One of the worst things you can do for yourself is eating before bed. If you have a full tummy before you go to bed at night, then your inner body will be awake and working at processing and digesting that food. This often is enough to keep even the heaviest and easiest of sleepers awake. As a rule, do not eat for 3 hours prior to hitting the bed so as to not interrupt your sleep with the noises and sensations of digestion.
Look at what you’re Eating
If you do find that you are suddenly having issues sleeping, take a look at your diet. Are you consuming more caffeinated beverages, such as coffees, teas and sodas than you were previously? Are you eating foods that are loaded in sugars or carbohydrates that are making your blood sugar yo-yo?
If you do happen to feel hungry before bed, it is recommended that you try to stick to foods that have a high level of “tryptophan”. Milk, yogurt, ice cream, yogurt, tuna, soy beans and peanuts all have this nutrient which helps our body produce serotonin, a hormone that helps us relax and feel sleepy.
Get Comfortable
All too many of us try to sleep uncomfortably each night. If this is you, start experimenting with different positions to try to go to sleep. You don’t want to use a flat pillow as this will cause your head to tilt down towards the mattress. You also don’t want your head to be propped at an angle either. Choose pillows that will keep your head level to the mattress but not dipping towards or away from it either.
If you experience lower body pain, place a pillow between your knees. This has become such an issue that specific pillows have been manufactured for this purpose alone.


What Handbag Is Right For You?

What woman doesn’t have at least 10 handbags laying around at home, just waiting to be used? We have all used them at one time or another – but it really depends on the event or the occasion. Handbags also have to continuously be renewed and kept fresh so that we are keeping with the trend of the day.
But handbags should not only be a fashion statement. Handbags today also have to be functional, meaning they need to have room for our wallet, our keys, our cell phone and our makeup, just to name a few of the essentials that every woman has in her handbag.
Here’s another consideration to make: the shape of your body will dictate whether or not the shape of a handbag and size of a handbag is appropriate for you. So just how are you supposed to know what handbag is right for you?
The Size of the Handbag
The size not only has to be functional according to your life demands, but it also has to be proportionate to your height and weight. For instance, a short woman carrying a large handbag will look ridiculous, as will a very tall woman carrying a dainty, tiny handbag. The goal is that, if you are wearing a handbag that hangs off of your shoulder, it should end right around your hip. You want the hand bag to compliment and flatter your waist.
The Types of Handbags
There are several different types of handbags for you to choose from based on your needs and what will suit your body. Some of the most popular handbag types are:
Tote handbags: These bags are the bags you need to use when you have a whole lot to carry, such as your gym clothes, your water and a towel. Tote handbags are well built and tend to be rectangular in shape. It is a shoulder bag, though most people carry it in a shopping bag sort of fashion (i.e. carry it by hand). They are extremely fashionable these days and, as long as the size of the tote is complementary to your size, you can definitely use it.
Satchel Bag: These are the larger style of tote handbags. These bags are hand held and are very large, so much so that a woman under 5’5” may feel overwhelmed by them. Be cautions if you are shorter in stature and are considering purchasing a satchel bag.
Hobo Bag: These bags are also large bags, but they are crescent shaped as opposed to rectangular. Again, if you are a woman who is shorter in height, strongly reconsider purchasing a hobo bag (unless it looks absolutely fantastic).
Clutch Bags: Clutch bags are the standard bag that every woman takes with her when ever she attends a wedding or a cocktail party. These are perfect for every woman for any occasion, though clutch bags do come in a variety of sizes. Make sure that you choose a size that is not only appropriate when it comes to what you will need to put in it (your makeup, ID, money, debit card, credit card, etc.) but that it also suits your body shape and size.



Tattoos - FAQ, Care and Tattoo Removal
By Beverly Smith 

Tattoos are more popular now than at any time in recorded history. Current estimates have one in seven, or well over 43 million people in North America alone, who have one or more tattoos.
Before you get tattoos
* Make sure the tattoo parlor is clean and safe. Remember, the artist is going to be sticking needles into your skin, so be picky about the tattoo parlor you choose.
The artist should use a brand new, sterile needle with every tattoo. Ask the artist to go through the entire procedure with you, including all of the tools to be used and the specific design. If the artist looks annoyed, go somewhere else. All other tools involved must be sterile. Everything should be personally laid out just for your tattoo, for example: single use disposable ink bottles. The artist should wear latex gloves and apply Vaseline on the new tattoo with a disposable instrument - NOT BY HAND!
* Select the design. Think about it carefully. Will you love that in a year, five years, ten years? Don't get a name that you may want to hide in years to come. Children and parent's names are safe.
Talk to the artist about how you want the design to look - with shading and color. Show them samples and talk to them about color. Even medium dark skin can get color but remember that no matter what your skin tone is, two layers of your own natural (or sun tanned) skin color will cover the finished product. So you may want to pick really bright colors so they heal out good on dark skin. Orange may heal to be a bright red.
* Make sure you skin is in good condition. A few days prior to the day you plan on getting your tattoo prepare your skin. Drink plenty of water so your skin is well hydrated. Use a good lotion a few times a day. Do not drink alcohol the day before or the day of getting your ink because that will cause excessive bleeding when getting your tattoo. Do not tan or get too much sun prior to when you will get ink.
Caring for Tattoos
The important things to remember:
  • Vitamin E oil 24-hours a day for one week.
  • No hot water on the tattoo for one week
  • No sun on the tattoo for one week.
  • No chlorinated pool or hot tub water for one week
  • Please consult your own doctor & tattoo artist for more help.
Methods of Tattoo Removal
There are several excellent methods of tattoo removal available today. The method that the physician chooses will depend upon the size of the tattoo and its location as well as the length of time it has been on the skin.
  • Excision
  • Dermabrasion
  • Laser
  • Salabrasion

Kamis, 24 Maret 2011

Beauty Tips After Turning 40: Age Appropriate Beauty in Your Forties

Beauty in Your Forties: Makeup, Skin and Style Tips For Women In Their 40’s

So, you’re partying days of your 20’s are over, your stressful days of your 30’s are fading and you feel like you finally know exactly who you are. But, as you look in the mirror you may worry and start to have trouble recognizing the woman starting back at you. As you are leaving 30s behind, instead of going forward with fear be sure to embrace your new age with an updated skin care and makeup outlook. The best things about your 40s is the fact you can still have fun without worrying about every little “crisis” life throws your way. So, embrace your new life joys and age! 

Age Appropriate Makeup Advice: Women In Their Early To Late Forties

Maybe you spent too much time in the sun when you were younger or maybe you just didn’t think about skin care before now, but chances are you are now noticing the sun damage and signs of aging from your past. You might have blotchiness, red spots and fine lines appearing. As you’re aging and turning fourty years old, your skin is changing too. It’s losing collagen and elasticity so it will retain much less moisture. This ultimately means you’ll not only start noticing more wrinkles but also lose some of your natural glow. You need to continue to preserve, maintain and repair your skin.

Skin Care: Women In Their 40’s

By your 40th birthday, you should already be in a great skin care and beauty routine. However, it needs to change a bit as you enter this new decade of life and celebrate. Things you should know already about skin care should only be modified a bit. Start using a creamy cleanser both day and night (skip the gel) and follow with a broad-spectrum moisturizer with SPF 15 or 20. Find a moisturizer with at least two kinds of antioxidants such as green tea, soy or lycopene. Different antioxidants target different things in the skin. You can also find a formula with peptides to help collagen strength. If you have dry skin problems, try something with shea butter, petrolatum or hyaluronic acid. Always use a nighttime treatment to help reduce brown spots, soften your lines and thicken your epidermis (prescription retinoid is recommended). Words of wisdom: if the prescription retinoid bothers your skin, try it every other night.

Age Appropriate Makeup and Cosmetics: Women In Their 40’s

Much like your hair has changed over the years to fit your age and style, so should your make up style. While facts may tell you that you should go with the “mom makeup” you may find yourself curious with thoughts about new makeup trends. As long as the trends don’t involve neon colored eye shadow or glitter, go for them!
When choosing a foundation in your 40s, think about spending a little more to get one with a built in SPF 15 or 20 and peptides. This will help you get the coverage you need and build in extra skin care benefits at the same time. Always opt to use a concealer to help cover up that redness and blotchiness you’re likely seeing from past sun damage. Apply the foundation first and then the concealer, blending both together to get a seamless look. Dealing with a foundation and concealer from the same brand can be helpful, as blending two brands together can bring great difficulty if you want natural results.
Keep the blush light and focused on the apples of your cheeks, looking for natural glowing colors to help you gain back some of the natural glow time is taking away from your skin.
Instead of using heavy lipstick and liner, think about getting a tinted gloss or cream lipstick that will allow you to have a youthful look on your lips. When doing this, try to stay away from dark colors and opt for melon colors, pink colors, peach colors or chic nude colors.
Eye shadow colors of brown, gray, silver or purple are often great for those in their 40’s. Be sure not to overdo it with the eyeshadow and unless you don’t have very many eye area wrinkles be sure to steer clear of frosty formulas and only use them for highlighting purposes. Also, remember to keep your eyebrows perfectly plucked or waxed and use a soft eyebrow powder to fill in any sparse areas instead of a heavy eyebrow pencil.

Halloween Costumes

Best Halloween Costumes for Women or Couples

Halloween costumes give us all the perfect chance to let loose a little and dress up for a good time! This year, use these fun Halloween costume ideas to help you dress up for your annual Halloween bash or just to add some spice to your Trick or Treating experience.

Cyndi Lauper

Cyndi Lauper

The costumes of icons from the 1980s are some of the most popular for this year’s Halloween party season. However, few realize the unique costume possibilities Cyndi Lauper costumes offer. Not only was her eighties music quite impressive but her style was one of a kind. To pull off this costume, think mini skirts, leggings, oversized shirts slouching over your shoulder, high heels and brightly colored neon makeup!


If you want to show your lady-like side this Halloween, a Renaissance costume might be the ideal choice for you. With Medieval options like a sexy pirate, a sweet maiden, a shocking vampire queen, or a mysterious gypsy, you can explore many adventures. For a simple Renaissance costume, grab an old dress and go as a peasant. For women who want to coordinate couples outfits, the Renaissance Era lends to this task easily.
Mardi Gras

Mardi Gras 

If you’re the life of the party and people describe you as being funny and wild, a Mardi Gras costume will fit just right! While costumes like a Carnival Jester might require a visit to a costume rental company, homemade masks and beads can help you create your own masquerade costume fit for any Halloween party.


As one of the most popular movies of all time, “Grease” lends itself to inspiring costumes all over the world. The 50s inspired costumes of Sandi, Rizzo and the other Pink Ladies are great for groups of women dressing up together. The poodle skirts often featured in these costumes are great for women of all sizes, including plus size women because they are extremely flattering.  Danny and Sandi is always a popular and simple to put together couples costume.
Moulin Rouge

Moulin Rouge

If “sexy” is your goal this year, a Can Can dancer outfit might be your ticket to stealing the show. The Moulin Rouge theme can be represented with fringe, lingerie and other dance clothes featured by Moulin Rouge dancers. Of course, these costumes are best for those who don’t mind showing a little skin and shaking their stuff on the dance floor.
Lara Croft

Lara Croft

Do you love Tomb Raider and comics? If so, dress as a powerful woman and take on the Underworld with a sexy Lara Croft costume. These popular costumes can be found at most general merchandise stores in the costume sections.
Princess Leia

Princess Leia

The force will certainly be with you (or at least Star Wars fans will be) when you choose a Princess Leia costume this year for Halloween. Entice your fellow party goers to become your love slave by wearing a golden bikini or bathing suit and wrapping your hair in Leia-style side braids. If your hair is short, purchase a Leia inspired wig to complete your look. The man in your life could be Han Solo.

Techniques for Monthly Self Breast Exams

In a time when cancer prevention is more important than ever before, women all over the world are doing everything they can to protect their health. Most gynecologists and the American Cancer Association recommend women do monthly self breast exams beginning at the age of 20, throughout the rest of their life. 

Doctors suggest these exams because they say when women regularly examine the area, they become more aware of what’s normal and what’s new. Any changes (masses, lumps, appearance) are often easily detected by women who do monthly self breast exams. Detecting these changes is important, as changes can be early signs of cancer. It’s important to say, most of the time changes don’t necessarily mean you have cancer. But, all changes should be reported promptly to your doctor.

When should you perform self breast exams?

It’s a good idea to perform your self breast exams at the same time each month. Some women go through the routine the week after their period, when their breast area is not swollen or tender. Those who no longer have periods can set a date, such as the 1st of the month and do the examination every month on that particular date.

How to do a self breast check:

Step 1: Stand in front of a mirror (shirtless/braless) with your arms at your sides. Look at your chest to see if any changes should be noted. Then, stand with your hands on your hips and look for changes. Lastly, raise your arms and flex your chest muscles, looking for changes. 
Step 2: Check out the appearance of your breasts, looking for changes in contour, swelling, dimpling of the skin and the nipple. Most women don’t have “matching breasts” and will notice changes from one to the other. But, you will know what’s normal for you and what’s not. 
Step 3: Use the pads of your fingertips to firmly (no pain should occur) on your breast area. Check your entire breast and armpit. You can use a circular motion, an up-and-down motion or a wedge pattern motion. Whatever motion you choose, be sure to use the same one each month on both breasts. Use whichever one is easiest for you to remember.
Step 4: Lay down and start with the right breast. Put a pillow under your right shoulder and place your right hand under your head. Do the same fingers motion and procedure on the breast again, which you did standing up. Repeat for the left breast, checking all tissue during the screening.

Step 5: In a gentle way, squeeze each nipple and report any discharge which may occur immediately to your doctor.
It’s important to see your doctor for exams each year and follow their recommendations on getting a mammogram to check the breast area and lymph node areas. Remember, even if you have a lump diagnosis, it’s likely it’s benign and rarely will turn out malignant.

Tips Mencegah Jerawat

Lebih baik mencegah daripada mengobati. Hal ini juga termasuk dalam mencegah timbulnya jerawat. Jerawat yang tumbuh di wajah dapat membuat penampilan kita menjadi kurang bagus. Selain itu, bekas jerawat biasanya tidak segera hilang dari wajah kita. Maka selain mengobati jerawat yang ada, perlu juga melakukan langkah-langkah pencegahan agar jerawat yang menjengkelkan tidak mengganggu penampilan. Tips berikut merupakan beberapa langkah yang dapat dilakukan untuk mencegah timbulnya jerawat.

  • Rajin membersihkan wajah

    Salah satu penyebab timbulnya jerawat adalah kotoran dan bakteri yang menempel di wajah. Dengan mencuci muka atau membersihkan wajah menggunakan susu pembersih dapat segera menyingkirkan kotoran dan bakteri yang ada.
  • Singkirkan rambut dari wajah

    Rambut akan menjadi kotor dan berminyak saat kita melakukan aktivitas sehari-hari. Bila rambut menyentuh wajah, maka kotoran tersebut dapat pindah ke wajah kita dan dapat menimbulkan jerawat.
  • Cuci sarung bantal dan seprei secara teratur

    Rambut yang kotor atau wajah yang tidak bersih dapat menyebabkan kuman dan kotoran berpindah di sarung bantal atau seprei saat kita menggunakan bantal. Kemudian, pada saat yang lain saat wajah menempel di bantal, kotoran tersebut kembali menempel di wajah kita.
  • Minum 8 gelas air sehari

    Mengkonsumsi air yang cukup dapat membantu tubuh mengeluarkan racun dan zat tidak berguna yang ada di tubuh, sehingga dapat mengurangi risiko timbulnya jerawat.
  • Menggunakan masker pencegah jerawat secara teratur.

    Dengan menggunakan masker madu dan jeruk nipis. Hal ini dapat membantu menghilangkan bakteri dan minyak di wajah.
  • Kurangi penggunaan kosmetik

    Menggunakan kosmetik dapat menyumbat pori-pori wajah. Sumbatan ini membuat pori-pori tidak bernafas dengan baik. Pilihlah kosmetik yang berbahan dasar air yang dapat mengurangi potensi timbulnya jerawat dibanding kosmetik yang berbahan dasar minyak.
  • Jangan pencet jerawat yang ada

    Tangan yang kotor saat anda memegang dan memencet jerawat memicu meningkatnya minyak dan kotoran di wajah. Saat memencet jerawat, lapisan yang ada di bawah kulit dapat menjadi rusak dan menyebabkan minyak wajah menyebar ke bagian lain dari wajah sehingga jerawat timbul semakin banyak


Prevent False Make-Up

Eye makeup fade or disappear usually due to excessive oil content in the eyelid. Before the eye makeup you should use oil free foundation (oil free), the powder to absorb oil in the petals and use the new eyeshadow eyeshadow sesudahnya.Jika want to use in texture cream bubukan powder on the eyelid following eye shadow selesai.Langkah polishing process is useful for blusher eye is more durable. When eyeshadow when affixed often fall into the cheek to contaminate your makeup.

There are two kinds of solutions you can do that before using powder eyeshadow Bubuhan quite a lot on the cheek. Clean enough to use a makeup brush so that you are not disturbed. The second is to put eyeshadow with a damp brush so that the particles attached to the bristle brush and do not pollute the cheek.
If you want to disguise dark circles on your eyes then use concealer after use and before using a powder foundation. If the concealer used is too thick texture then this will make eyes look unnatural. To prevent this, before affixed a little mixed with a drop of moisturizing eye and then appended at the bottom of the eye.
To camouflage dark circles in eye concealer then select a single color or two colors lighter or younger than skin color. Another solution is to use a concealer that contains light reflecting particles (YSL Touche Eclat) which softens the appearance of dark color.
If you want your eyes look fresher and larger. We recommend using eye pencil or eyeliner pencil on the inside of a white color under the eye lids. This will make the color white in the eyes more visible.
When choosing the color eyeshadow you should always remember that dark colors make you look smaller than actual size because it is always a dark color shirt a safe choice. If your small or slanted eyes should avoid using dark colors also avoid excessive use of black eyeliner on both eyelids simultaneously.
Choose the texture eyeshadow if eyelid or corner of the eye began to arise wrinkles. Avoid shiny eyeshadow in texture because this will only make the lining will seem real. Choose a textured matte eyeshadow (no sheen).